Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations by Friedrich H Boettger Before Tesla was a car, he was a clever engineer, and he...

Kill The Messenger: How Far Big Pharma Shills Are Willing To Go To Whitewash The Vax.

The Pharmacorporate lobby quite naturally expects academia to dance to their tune, since their...

When War Goes Viral

It’s not that there’s a positive side to being quickly killed by an instantly infectuous and invisible ailment.

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations by Friedrich H Boettger Before Tesla was a car, he was a clever engineer, and he said a lot of cool stuff. Some of which was decipherable. Read on Substack

When War Goes Viral

By now, most vertebrates have come to understand that the whole world was flim-flammed by the MediQuacks and pharmacorporate stooges (Fauci, Offit, Wallensky) during the Great Plandemic, but surprisingly few seem to have gone back to question the original premise by...

When War Goes Viral

When War Goes Viral

It’s not that there’s a positive side to being quickly killed by an instantly infectuous and invisible ailment.