RFK Senior. A Legacy Remembered

Regressive Dimocracks seem to forget what kind of father Bobby Kennedy Jr. had. Or they’re too young to remember.
Love him or hate him, this guy was an American patriot, a man of great insight, work ethic and courage.

When he began his campaign for president, he knew there were three hundred crackpots and CIA assassins ready to put a bullet in his head if they had the opportunity, and he finally gave them one. The world lost a great man that day, but, equally as importantly, it lost a great opportunity to take the government of the United States back from the Military Industrial Complex so clearly identified by Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Jimmy Carter took a little swipe at the Complex back in the 70’s, and he got an oil embargo and a hostage crisis dumped in his lap. Barock Obama talked about the Complex just for a day or two and he got whacked with a banking crisis that brought the world economy to the brink of a global depression. Donald Trump pushed back against the Complex pretty hard, and he got blindsided with the Covid Plandemic that immobilized his presidency, making his truncated time in office a dismal march of lawyers and puppet doctors from the CDC.

Bobby Kennedy knows the Complex better than anyone, I think. Granted he’s only one guy, but now you have a choice. You can continue to vote the UniParty ticket, which the Complex controls and funds and populates, or you can take a chance on a real person who actually seems to have a strong dislike for lying politicians, vaccine hucksters and the usual corporate profiteers.