by Kilgore Trout | May 27, 2020 | Fringe, Technology
Everything you wanted to know about American Psychiatry but were (justifiably) afraid to ask. The featured video is a really horrifying documentary by Truthstream Media (Written and produced by Aaron and Melissa Dykes, two of the absolute best). It documents the...
by Kilgore Trout | May 27, 2020 | Earth, Faith, Fringe
Herein is the entire Age Of Deceit series by one of my favorite Fringe Filmmakers, Gonzo Shimura. No one in his right mind will ever get through this list of great video pieces (I’ve seen them all several times), but, just for the record, here they are and...
by Kilgore Trout | May 27, 2020 | Earth, Faith, Fringe, History, Technology
Professional Equine Patootie, the Reverend Doctor Neil DeGresse Tyson, urges the Sheeple to “Listen To Scientists” and obey every edict issued by the government about the Great Global Plague Which Will Kill Us All: Interesting clip about what happened to...
by Kilgore Trout | May 19, 2020 | Technology
Brad Traversy’s Beginning Javascript. Quick but thorough. Timestamps for every section are thoughtfully included by Mr. Traversy (who’s a great programmer and a great guy). A longer Beginning Javascript course by FreeCodeCamp, a lot...
by Kilgore Trout | May 17, 2020 | History
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