by Kilgore Trout | Oct 30, 2023 | History
Didn’t it ever make you wonder? The guy who runs Microsoft is certainly at least one of the smartest guys at Microsoft. The dude running Tesla is probably one of the brightest people on Earth. You can argue whether they’re the kind of people you’d...
by Kilgore Trout | Oct 29, 2023 | Plandemic, Science
The Pharmacorporate lobby quite naturally expects academia to dance to their tune, since their money keeps the lights on in the college classrooms. It can be an ugly business, however, when a professor gets out of line and wants to tell the truth....
by Kilgore Trout | Oct 28, 2023 | America, History, Politics
My learned friend, Doctor Fergus Finnerty, shared this New Jerk Times article with me the other day, ignoring my often expressed opinion of the paper out of his indefatigable sense of noblesse oblige. I reference a link to the original article, but of course...
by Kilgore Trout | Oct 27, 2023 | America, Politics, Science
By now, most vertebrates have come to understand that the whole world was flim-flammed by the MediQuacks and pharmacorporate stooges (Fauci, Offit, Wallensky) during the Great Plandemic, but surprisingly few seem to have gone back to question the original premise by...
by Kilgore Trout | Oct 26, 2023 | History
Here’s a scrapbook tour of manufactured conflict brought to you by Truthstream Media. Are we the only ones that are struck by these similarities? News came out that three days prior to the attack, Egypt had warned Israel “something big” was coming. Israel...